| 안상원 안과 안경점-Hmart점 - Swiss Eyecare - Eye Exam, Optical, Optometrist |
주소 |
2625 Old Denton Rd #548
Carrollton ,
TX 75007 |
전화번호 |
972-242-1652 |
팩스번호 |
972-242-1974 |
홈페이지 |
이메일 |
소개 |
안과검진/건조한눈/어린이 알레르기 치료/백내장 수술/녹내장 진단,치료 및 관리/망막 질환/컨텍트 렌즈 및 안경/레이저 수술 상담/응급 서비스 |
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5개의 사진정보가 있습니다.)
소개: |
•Yearly eye exams are crucial for detecting many vision-threatening conditions like glaucoma and cataracts. This is especially true for individuals with special risks such as diabetes, previous eye trauma and/or surgery and high blood pressure.
•We have exclusive eyewear collections and the latest contact lenses available. Our on-site custom lab provides an added convenience for our patients.
•Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized care you deserve using only the latest, most innovative techniques in eye care.
•As a courtesy, eyewear adjustments and cleaning are provided without an appointment
•Insurance accepted – VSP, EYEMED, SUPERIOR VISION, SPECTERA and MORE. |
오시는 길: |
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