이베이에서 이런메일이 왔는데 도애체 무슨말인지요?
전 이베이에서 거래한적이 없거든요
한번 싸게 사보려고 기웃거리다가 너무 복잡한거 같아서 그냥 나오고서는
말았었는데 이런 메일이 왔네요
한번 봐주시고 어찌해야 하는거닞 알려 주세요
we regret to inform you that your ebay account could be suspeneded if you don't re-update your account information.
to resolve this problem please visit link below and re-enter your account information.
If your problins could not be resolved your account will be suspended for a period of 24 hours after this period your account will be terminated.
For the User Agreement, Secion 9, We may immediately issue a warnning, temporarily suspend indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our
services to you. if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. we may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us.
Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using in ebay anyway. this includes the resisterin of a new account.
please note that this suspension does not releive you of your agree -upon obligation to pay any fees you may owe to ebay.
라는 내용인데요 복사도 안되어서 제가 급한맘에 일일히 타이핑 해서 약간 의 오타가
있기도 할거예요
무슨 큰 불이익이 저에게 일어나는 건가요?
호기심에 한번 회원가입했다가 이게 뭔일이래요?
만약 이 메일이 아무일 아니라면 다행이구요
이베이에서 탈퇴하려면 어찌 해야 하는지도 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다. |