The Korea Society presents
Korean Film In Focus: Director’s Talk with Jeon Kyu-hwan.JPG)

10월 3일 The Korea Society에서
전규환 감독님과의 만남이 있습니다.
이번에 MoMA 한국영화제에서 전규환 감독님의 Town 시리즈가 3편이 상영되는데요,
Town 시리즈는 애니멀타운, 모차르트 타운, 댄스타운으로 베를린과 부산국제 영화제에서 수상하기도 한 작품입니다.
Town 시리즈 상영 후 Korea Society에서 감독님과의 대화 자리가 마련되어 있습니다.
10월 3일 월요일 오후 6시에 많이 참여해주시길 바랍니다.
(950 Third Ave, @57th St, 8flr, Manhattan, NY)
Monday, October 3
6:00PM Video Clips from ‘Town Trilogy’ & Discussion
Director Jeon Kyu-hwan has garnered international attention since the 2008 debut of Mozart Town, the first in his Town Trilogy. His second film, Animal Town, was lauded by critics and festival attendees. The third installment, Dance Town, earned awards at Berlin and the Pusan International Film Festival. Variety Magazine’s Russell Edwards hailed Dance Town as a “confrontational slice of urban life that plays like a blend of John Cassavetes and Ken Loach with a sharp kimchi taste.” Jeon’s next feature film is Varanasi, currently in pre-production. He addresses The Korea Society on the trilogy, shown as part of the MoMA series, as well as his upcoming feature.
Moderated by Dr. Choi Jung-bong
Assistant professor of Cinema Studies, New York University
The Korea Society
950 Third Avenue@57th Street, 8th Floor
Admission fee will be $10 for members($20 for guests, students & senior will be discounted). More information at or contact